Marketing automation makes things a lot easier for both business owners and customers. It is the term for a platform or method that streamlines or automates marketing tasks. The benefits of using marketing automation within your business are numerous: saves you time, keeps you on your budget, helps you generate more leads, and allows you to have a multichannel outlook of your prospects.

Let’s see the top benefits of using marketing automation.

Sales, more sales

First and foremost, marketing automation accelerates new sales, acquisition of clients and helps grow revenue. In fact, many B2B marketers with a successful lead-nurturing program reported an average 20% increase in sales opportunities.

Time, more time

You save time because most manual tasks are automated. Your team will have more time to think strategically about your business or to create even ore efficient campaigns.

Customer engagement

Through automation you can personalize campaigns and programs for individual customers or personas. Targeted messaging over time results in more engaged prospects, who turn into customers.

Track customer behavior

Because every contact point with your customers and prospects is tracked and analyzed, marketing automation platforms provide deep insights through analytical tools. You can even use the data to predict future behaviors and improve forecasting accuracy.

Data management

Marketing automation platforms will keep track of your leads and their engagement with your site. That means that managing your data is easier than ever. Plus, it keeps your data up to date automatically. Your team spends more time creating instead of doing manual data entry.

Improve email performance

When using automation agency software, marketers generate twice the number of leads compared to cold email campaigns. This is because automation software lets you tailor your content to different parts of your target audience, and deliver relevant emails to each of your subscribers.

Automate more than email

Marketing automation is designed to make repetitive tasks less time consuming. It doesn’t limit to emails only. You can identify and interface with clients on a more personalized level which could be either online or offline through channels like social media handles, SMS, phone calls, email, and popups.


It tracks results for you, meaning that you don’t have to use multiple tools and stress over information overload. Marketing automation platforms can give you a high-level overview of your overall process. This will help you see complications and friction points. With accurate, streamlined reporting you can see where things are going wrong.

Which technology to use?

If you start your adventure with marketing automation, start with open, not complicated and affordable marketing automation platform delivered by us. You can maximize the efficiency of it from day one. You can switch to enterprise technologies like Salesforce, Oracle or Adobe later on when your business grows. But with enterprise solutions it won’t be neither open, nor cheap or easy to use…